Direect mp4 download or play: 6.66 Hertz
Direct download or play high bit rate accurate .m2t file: 6.66 Hertz
This choice (.m2t) may require downloading only, and use of a compatible media player like VLC.
Warning, this is a potentially dangerous media file! It is the actual sound and picture of my subwoofer operating at 6.66 hertz. Because the internet is digital, there will no loss of signal if and when your computer plays this file. If you have even a modest sound card in your computer and a good audio system, and in particular a subwoofer, you risk damage to your speakers or amplifier if care is not taken to keep the sound volume low. Be careful! Remember you won’t be able to hear the sound, although there may be a slight clicking or rushing sound keeping time with the fundamental signal at 6.66 hertz. I think that may be what is known as an artifact or distortion related to the mp3 encoding. Also the audio stops at about 1:46 on the player. I am not responsible for ruined subwoofers.
Just today on October 23, 2011, I put up a slightly different version of this on my YouTube page.
In addition take a look at this website and see what is being said about 6.66 hertz with regard to mind control. Next time you think you hear voices in your head, just remember certain men really do get their way!
Hsu Research model ULS-15 subwoofer
Set up in Adobe Audition for generating 6.66 hertz sine wave at -3
Remember to keep your audio low, as this file can create damaging low frequencies.