I’ve always liked long hair on men. Words such as “longhairs,” “the longhair community,” and possibly “The GEICO Cavemen” come to mind. I thought it might be exciting if I became a “longhair.” But instead, (and of course) unfortunate words like “ridiculous” and “failure” are more appropriate for what we have here. Don’t get me wrong, I did have fun “doctoring” the picture with Photoshop.
8 users commented on " BOZETTE "
Follow-up comment rss or Leave a TrackbackIt’s good to have you back. It’s about time the Weatherman had his own website.
I like you with long hair, did you ever have it long when you were younger?
can you please post a picture with your hair up in a shampoo horn?
My hair is even longer now, but it gets burned quite often with my soldering iron while I try to finish making another Booper.
You would be far less likely to melt your hair if it was up in a horn while you solder. As long as your iron is plugged into a ground fault interrupting circuit there is no chance of being shocked due to wet hair.
Have you ever rolled up your beard and put it in your mouth?
Sometimes while swallowing oatmeal for example, I will have to pull a 12 inch length of a single strand of hair out of my throat.
Now I understand the evolution, you started out with strands of hair and finally graduated to microphone cables.
On second thought, make that a picture of shampoo-horned, beard swallowing Weatherman. You could sell t-shirts with that image and make thousands of worthless monetary exchange units!