Here are just a few of the over fifty TV channels I can receive over the air. I am using a SiliconDust HDHomerun Connect, model HDHR4-2US  with an unamplified Mohu Leaf indoor antenna. The TV tuner is connected to my computer via the spare Ethernet port (ASUS motherboard has dual Ethernet ports, internet on the other port). The tuning of the digital channels and recording was done using Daum Potplayer, an excellent free software media player available online. I discovered the channels could be changed while recording and there was no editing. The transitions are not perfect, but just imagine trying to do that with a VCR.
The recorded file was first a (Matroska multimedia container) .mkv, H.264 video at 5000 kbps, and audio an (Advanced Audio Coding) AAC -Libav.dll at 128 kbps, sample rate 48000 hertz, selectable in Potplayer. Then I ran the file through Video Container Changer, (more great free software) to make the video have a .flv or flash extension, which is what the website needs. Be sure to let the file load for awhile, for a better chance of uninterrupted playback.

Direct mp4 download or play:  Changing Channels
Used Video Container Changer to convert from .mkv to .mp4


Direct mkv original capture download or play:  Changing Channels
Original PotPlayer video recording


Alternate mp4 download or play:  Changing Channels
Processed through YouTube’s encoders –  most likely more stable