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Direct mp4 download or play: Commercial # 2
Video Player
Direct mp4 download or play: Commercial # 1
Here are two commercials for Chevy Silverado that may appear to be identical to the casual viewer. They are different. Who can detect the difference? Let me know, please comment.
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My answer: One is on top of the other.
Now I’m obsessed with trying to sync/play both at the same time. This is like “Street Names” all over again.
The bottom video has one second of black at the beginning, but actual content that can be seen is identical in length.
2000 vs 2014 truck of the year, and there is another subtle audio difference in the last 20 seconds but I’m too lazy to listen to them again.
the second one said “be damned” the 1st smells of burning transmission.
“All fine, but not today” vs. “be damned”