Direct mp3 download or play: Mother’s Day 1985 # 4
This will be the final post of a recording I made on Mother’s Day 1985. It’s all of side 2 of a C-90 cassette tape with the material from the posts “Mother’s Day 1985 # 1” and “Mother’s Day 1985 # 2” as well as all of the other parts on side 2. There’s over 45 minutes of sound with my mother, father, grandmother, and myself. In addition you can hear all of the first part of this recording by going to the post entitled “Mother’s Day 1985 # 3.” It’s actually side 1 of the same C-90 cassette tape. This part is only a little more than 15 minutes in length, due to the fact I started recording after the first 30 minutes of tape. I actually didn’t realize the tape had another recording on it already, and it was too late to buy more cassette tape. I didn’t want to record over the other part, and I may post it another time. But for now I’m not going to tell you what it is……it’s just too dumb!
I want to point out that I think I already posted this around Mother’s Day of 2010 as “Mother’s Day 1985 All side 2” and somehow it was accidentally deleted. I sincerely apologize for that error!
4 users commented on " Mother’s Day 1985 # 4 "
Follow-up comment rss or Leave a TrackbackI was able to download this file without changing any security settings(to allow downloading from the blog)by first starting to play the file and while the file is playing using the DownloadHelper add on with the Firefox browser. You can go to for more information. Let me know if you are able to make that work. I also noticed it works for my video files as well. I am aware this isn’t addressing other browsers. I’m not sure how to change the security settings in the blog to allow downloading, but I will try to learn how to do so and I hope this helps.
That first comment (The Weatherman, May 7, 2011 at 5:19 pm) was originally posted June 7, 2010 in response to someone asking about downloading. I think this entire post was accidentally deleted sometime last year as “Mother’s Day 1985 All side 2″ and the other comments were lost and I apologize for that mistake.
I love these recordings so…. Especially on rainy blustery days….
First off, I’m a huuuge fan.
Secondly…I can see by your URLs that you’re probably using WordPress as a blog platform. If this is the case, you’re probably using a plugin to render a tiny flash player for your audio files. Do you have to use a shortcode to do this? If so, try offering a simple text link below the audio player, linking to the file. This will possibly solve your issue with other browsers and allowing downloads!