Remembering Don Joyce (February 9, 1944 – July 22, 2015) – The Booper Repair Letter -Negativlandland/posts/1102652729762470 – Be sure to click the image of the letter for a larger, better view.
Negativland Boopers in 2012 – Original on the left
Original Booper after repair in 2015
New Battery Holder Installed
Messy Wiring
Direct mp3 download or play: Booper Before Complete Servicing
Direct mp3 download or play: More of The Booper Before Complete Servicing
Direct mp4 download or play: Red Hands Knob Twist
Red Hand Twisting Knobs, mono open mike to a Samsung WB35 camera
Direct mp4 download or play: mono – open mike
The Booper, Casio Amplified speaker, Mini Pops Junior, and on the left, The Stupid Little Trigger, recorded in mono by the Samsung WB350 camera microphone
Direct mp4 download or play: stereo wired – Canon SX60 camera
Same setup as above, except repairs are complete and stereo wired audio is being recorded on my Canon SX60 camera
16 users commented on " Original Super Booper "
Follow-up comment rss or Leave a TrackbackBack pictures, please!
Is it still functional?
Post video of them making sounds!
The damned thing never dies…..
Hey David tune your computer to KZSU (Stanford Univ.). They are doing a 24 hour broadcast of experimental/noise bands live from the studio. Feb. 7-8
Let’s start with, and I have much more which will be going up in the coming days. Most of the audio and video will be here, but some will go to YouTube.
Oh, Booper…. I can’t stay mad at you.
I simply MUST have one of my own! I like the fancy blue one with the Weatherman’s picture on it. Do you have one in red? How do I order?
bloop, I’m sorry I didn’t take any pictures of the back. It’s only black plastic with flat head bolts.
Has Useless Seedless patented the connections from the Booper to his vibrator?:)
The Booper is not a sex aid, but I have thought about purchasing an electro-sex box. I thought maybe an ErosTek might make some interesting noises.
[…] Booper / There Is No […]
I’ve now included “Red Hand Twisting Knobs” which originally appears as “Red Hand Turning Knobs” only on my YouTube page.
Any chance at a schematic?
How do I get a booper? I remember seeing a LONG time ago that there might have been some up for sale. Is this true and if so are there any left available? Gotta have it!○
No other__ steam cleaning system ..________.. 11:59 pm