Direct mp3 download or play:  New Year’s 2013
I made this recording using the same setup as in “4th of July Ambience 2012,” but used Audacity (free sound recording software) instead of VSTHost. The recording starts at around 11:55 PM, December 31st, 2012 and ends at about 12:15 AM, January 1st, 2013. I think the sound is louder and has more bass compared to last year. There is more “hiss” or white noise this time, probably due to microphone gain being somewhat too high. Then I put the recorded file into Adobe Audition, slightly amplified the audio, and put five second fades at the beginning and end. The mp3 here is 320 kilobits per second and 48 kilohertz, the highest possible quality. This is the first audio file I’ve done this way. Let me know if you have trouble playing this one.
It does seem that New Year’s is a lot like the 4th of July as far as the kind of sounds I hear. I didn’t notice any yelling of “Happy New Year” or banging pots and pans (well, maybe very faintly in the distance) as I have in the past. This post likely has typos, but I wanted to get this up and running right away. In the coming days, I’ll be attempting to correct mistakes. I know that sounds dumb, but that’s what I’m all about. Happy Fiscal Cliff… I mean New Year.